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The content provides an in-depth exploration of the semicolon, detailing its primary function, common errors, and advanced uses to enhance writing quality.
  • The semicolon is used to separate independent clauses that are closely related in thought without using a conjunction.
  • Common errors include using a semicolon with a conjunction and using it before a dependent clause, both of which are incorrect.
  • The semicolon can improve writing flow by connecting closely related ideas, making the text less choppy and more sophisticated.
  • In advanced writing, semicolons can be used for rhetorical effect by connecting parallel structures or emphasizing closely related points.
  • Understanding the correct and effective use of semicolons is essential for GRE test-takers to master punctuation and enhance their writing skills.
The Basic Function of a Semicolon
Common Misuses of a Semicolon
Advanced Uses of Semicolons in Writing